The services provided by the MEDITERRANEAN INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION SCC are developed and aligned with the strategic goals, ie the collective and social benefit through actions of scientific, technological, sustainable learning, by conducting research, with the development of educational actions on science, safeness and quality of life. In the provision and development of these services, very important is the information that comes from the international collaborations of the Institute.

Policy of the Institute is the provision of services based on the compliance with the requirements of society as a whole, with standards, regulations and legal provisions that concern either the services, products or the operation of the Institute itself.

In order to achieve its mission, the Mediterranean Institute for Education SCC is active throughout the Mediterranean region, and more broadly, with the following main directions:

– In the detection of concerns in matters of daily practice and in the formulation of proposals for the improvement of the quality of personal and professional life

– In the provision of services to the society as a whole, which have as their main goal the information and transfer of know-how to individuals, collectives, companies, institutions, organizations. This information is provided through special events (conferences, workshops, discussions, etc.), research, special publications in which experts, intellectuals and specialized centers for the production and dissemination of knowledge participate.

– In the provision of learning services, which are designed based on the findings of the detection of needs and trends in the Mediterranean environment and wider. The experience of the members of the Institute and the collaborating international organizations, bodies and experts contribute significantly to the successful design and effective implementation of the programs. In addition, an open and ongoing dialogue with the recipients of these services plays an important role in the effectiveness of learning services.

– In its involvement as a Community Intermediate Management Agency Programs

All the above require a Quality Policy in the whole range of the Institute’s services which include, among others:

  • monitoring the observance of project schedules and their obligations
  • securing the necessary resources for its smooth operation
  • the continuous effort to improve its management capacity
  • respect for the environment, health and safety of employees and associates
  • cooperation with reliable partners
  • the use of modern and effective tools, methods and techniques to achieve the goals

Strong ties with educational institutions in Crete and the rest of Greece, international collaborations with academic, educational and professional institutions, are the cornerstones on which the Mediterranean Institute for Education SCC builds its work and contribution to local communities. By offering a variety of actions, it satisfies scientific, cultural, civic and so many other needs in the societies.